Sunday, March 18, 2007

Krautrock #20: Cluster - Cluster II

This is all of side one of the album and the last track is the first piece of Cluster music I heard back in ’78 or so crammed at the end of one side of a Brain Records sampler (£2.99 though over the years that damn record must have cost me hundreds of squiddlies). Things have developed from the ’71 album but we’re still a long way from the pastoral sounds of the mid-late ‘70’s.
Plas sounds like the music is a 3-D entity, a plastic form that is hovering in the air being moulded by the laboratory technicians tweaking the tone generators. Yes it’s all gone a bit Jon Pertwee around here. Im Süden changes things by having a loop of an insistent guitar phrase that nags at you while more machines hum in the background. Bizarrely enough another machine is making cicada type noises, is this the island of Dr. Moreau?
Fur Dïe Katz I won’t say anything more about other than its lovely and at 3 minutes makes my idea of a perfect pop song.
Im Süden

Fur Dïe Katz
Mega 320 powerissimo

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