Saturday, April 08, 2006

Welcome To The Future

Welcome to the new Frank's blog - this first post will lay down a few groundrules. I will subsequently edit it to include the answers to any questions I am asked about how to use the blog. Once it disappears below the fold I will make a permanent link to it in the sidebar for ease of reference.

Posting privileges are open to all current and former members of Frank's Apa. Admin privileges are open to anyone whom I trust not to make a hash of the HTML. Commenting will remain open to all comers unless spam becomes a problem.

As before, the abiding principle is that the blog should not subtract from the print version of Franks, so give a little thought to whether anything you're planning to post here would be better saved for your zine. Obviously this doesn't apply to former members.

By and large, I expect most of the posts here to involve mp3s. Unlike Typepad, Blogger does not allow us to upload files directly. Instead you should upload the file to one of the free upload services such as Rapidshare or Yousendit, then post the link to the uploaded file here. Files will stay up longer on Rapidshare than Yousendit - thirty days after the last download rather than seven days after the upload - but Mark has some unspecified problem with Rapidshare. I will update this section if and when we come up with better solutions to this issue. If you want to upload a TOAD, I recommend that you zip (archive) it and upload the .zip file.

You going to stick up some instructions on how to post?

1. Go to and enter your username and password in the "sign in" box at top left.

2. This takes you to the dashboard where the F-Blog is listed as Ruth is Stranger Than Richard. Immediately to the right is a green plus-sign - click this to open the post window. The interface is more or less identical to Typepad.

3. Could you really not have worked this out for yourself, Marc?


Anonymous said...

You going to stick up some instructions on how to post?

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was Marco. Looks like you have to sign up to Blogger to get a name.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see. You click OTHER, then you can stick your name in witout signing up.

Hmm, now I need instructions on deleting fatuous comments.

marco said...

Yeah yeah, so I posted before I thought. Wouldn't be the first one to do that.

ian said...

Any chance you could give me contributor rights?